
Knowledge about the conservation of the marble plate

Whether in the luxury home or in the ordinary home, the choice of marble decoration materials have become increasingly popular. Marble decoration materials can bring about the effect of elegant beauty, but beauty is often accompanied by behind the money backing.

Marble material hard, this is people choose it as a home decoration materials, one of the reasons, although the marble material sturdy, look beautiful, elegant, but it is more sensitive materials can usually be "soft on the outside on the inside" to describe it. Endoplasmic hard marble, polished appearance, but it is very fragile and granite special maintenance, step on it to prevent the signs of when to stay put in its place above the object to light. What is causing the marble plate damaged it?

In this section you will learn what is causing the marble is damaged, and how to avoid the occurrence of such damage. Only know what is causing damage to production in order to better protective action to take the next step.

      First, the water and wet materials

Water from the appearance point of view is not beautiful and elegant marble surface would pose a threat, in fact, it is superficial to deceive, and water have the ability to destroy a beautiful marble plate appearance. Out of the water in the doped glass or other material sufficient to wet the surface of the marble left scale, and these will gradually scale invasion of wear surface of the marble and left indelible stains.

The best approach is to avoid water drops on the surface of marble slabs, but the reality is often not possible, so you can do is wipe the top of the water droplets and timely so that we can to prevent further water ingress.

      Second, the acidic and alkaline substances

When cleaning marble sheet to use neutral cleaning agents, acidic and alkaline detergents are susceptible to corrosion of marble surface.

Of course, not just detergent will corrode the marble surface, PH value, as some acidic substances, such as orange juice, lemon juice, soft drinks, apple juice, tomato juice, wine, etc., will be the corrosion of marble surface, there are those PH value of alkaline bleaching agent will be corrosion of marble.
      Third, the scratch

Endoplasmic marble hard, no doubt about that, but the smooth surface is very fragile, and if there is sand soles stick left, then it is easy to scratch, such as furniture, not to protect the bottom of the marble surface of the placing will be left to scratch marks, and drag objects on the marble floor.

The most basic protection method is to trample the floor and shake off the stick before the stone in the soles, protective layer placed furniture pads to avoid dragging the object on the marble floor, especially those with sharp edges of things. Of course there are other substances would pose a threat to the marble, but if you notice some of the details mentioned above, can you bring a lot of useful marble protection.

