
Tile Always Coveted Stone

Stone industry shoddy era has ended.High-tech and fine road has become an inevitable trend of market development.With environmental awareness, aesthetic taste and changes in consumer demands, we put a higher demand on stone alternatives.The tile industry has market share in the coveted stone.
Traditional tile industry is difficult to fabric by a simple mechanical reproduction of natural stone in a vivid way but to mention the great stone texture, in particular, to achieve the texture of different pieces.That is to achieve the texture of different pieces and even more as almost impossible.With increasingly sophisticated technology of modern tiles and the glaze material development and other brands as the representative of the Roman Leo, launched a full cast enamel category, the use of multi-channel roller-dimensional printing, innovative use of marbled seal, glaze Color technology, effort to build quality imitation stone, to be closer to natural stone texture, color sense of high product phase, to be commander in chief of stone circles.
Marble Tile Real Wood

a stone worth over

flower green stone

